Thursday, May 10, 2012

Why Internet Sandboxes are so important.

I tried signing up for an internet conference recently. I requested the opportunity to "pre-check" if I could view the websites content ahead of time by simply looking at a pre-recorded segment of a prior conference that would be streamed exactly in the same way as the live show would be streamed. I was told such a pre-check option was not available.

Ouch! Possibly one of the biggest areas of deceived victims on the internet are the website owners that buy into a live video conference system that does not allow the end viewer a chance to pre-check, or "sandbox" their connection ahead of time to make sure it works. A sandbox approach would allow the end user a chance to try out their video connection well before the event to ensure a confident viewer during the event.
Watching a live event on the internet should be not different than tuning in a television channel on regular television.
I personally learned hundreds of amazing concepts during the 90's when my video editing online suite was comprised entirely of actual high end videotape editing machines and what I saw is what I got, and I could instantly change and video or audio level prior to recording it onto the video edit master. 

Fast forward ten to 15 years later and I see that those exceptional analog video concepts that I learned in the 90's HAVE NOT made it into the world of internet video interaction for the end user.

MyAlexLOGIC one on one studio classes offer a wealth of information.
