Thursday, November 3, 2011

The secrets of S-VHS revealed in one on one classes.

S-VHS may be one of the most misunderstood analog formats ever created. JVC led the way with amazing BRS S-VHS machines that literally have close to a dozen adjustment parameters designed to optimize the quality of both S-VHS, VHS and even min-cassette vhs and s-vhs videotapes.

If you are curious just how good your S-VHS or VHS videotapes actually look when played back on a JVC-BRS machine that originally cost over $6,000 dollars when new, then you should take this class. 

If you are planning on laying back VHS or S-VHS videotape to digital videotape or hard drive, you MUST see these machines in action being operated by someone who actually won a regional EMMY mastering an opera to this format.

Please, no copyrighted material will be adjusted unless you actually worked on the production and desire an excerpt for your demo reel.

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